Ask the Roaster
Like you, we care about quality products that are responsibly produced and ethically sourced, where farmers are celebrated and treated fairly. Bloss has a vision for exquisite coffee and tea, produced and consumed sustainably.
The word ‘bloss’, is an old Irish word that means tasty and flavourful. The Gaelic Irish proverb “Bee-on bloss err on myah-gon” translates as – even just a small amount can bring great flavour. We think the word bloss sums up what our products aim to deliver.
We believe in partnering with heroes. The ‘&’ represents the other person, without whom there would be no story, no journey and no flavour. At Bloss, you are the hero!
We partner with the farmers and producers directly. We share knowledge and skills, meaning they create a better product that we in turn pay a higher price for. By selling speciality grade coffee and tea, farmers can earn more money and help improve their livelihood.
We know what it takes to make a great cup of coffee or tea. That's why we are on the ground with farmers to evaluate all our coffee and tea before purchase. We buy only specialty grade products from people we know grew it. This is because we know you expect this from us will and you appreciate the variety of complex flavours.
Bloss has a goal of giving 5% of our net profits to the farming communities we work with. We want to honour the communities that work so hard to produce a product we enjoy so much! We'll give by investing in projects that go towards better utilities, healthcare, education and job creation.