Kickback - Colombia [[Roast Date 11/05/2022]]



7 smallholders in the Huila region of Colombia


Castillo, Caturra & Colombia


Washed & E.A. Decaffeinated


1600 - 1850 masl

Roast Profile


Tasting Notes

Notes of Chocolate and Caramel

Coffee Facts

This coffee comes from 7 producers across 4 municipalities in Huila. From Acevedo: there is Don Gabriel Costana who is known as the father of the Pink Bourbon, his son Jeferson Costano Motta, and Duverney Sanchez; from Pitalito: Luis Alberto Jojoa and Carlos Guamanga; From Piacol: Miller Walles; and from Cauca, Jose Olmedo Sanchez.

The decaffeination process used utilises a natural by-product of sugarcanes known as ethyl acetate. The process utilises the natural direct-solvent by first steaming the beans to open their pores and are then rinse them in ethyl acetate repeatedly to remove the caffeine. Next the beans are dried but not completely, 10-12% humidity remains, and then the open bean is sealed with natural wax that in no way affects the flavour, fragrance or aroma of the coffee.