Radical Roasters - Popayan (DECAF)





Variedad Colombia and Castillo


Washed and sugar cane decaffeination


1,700 masl

Roast Profile


Tasting Notes

Notes of Golden Syrup, Cacao Nibs and Raisins

Coffee Facts

Popayán is located in the department of Cauca at 1.700 m.a.s.l. The region's topography is perfect for growing exceptional coffee! The so-called Meseta de Popayan is sheltered by the Andes mountain range which helps generate homogeneous climatic and altitudinal characteristics. The result is a balanced cup profile with deep chocolatey, syrupy notes.

Cofinet collaborates with approximately 65 growers who contribute to this program and with whom they build long-term relationships. This also encourages farmers to focus on quality and based on quality assessment, Cofinet provides up to 20% premiums above the market price.

Process: After the first washed process, the milled coffee is delivered to DesCafecol in Manizales where they use the sugar cane process to decaffeinate the coffee.

Ethyl acetate is a natural by-product created in the production of sugar cane refining. The green beans are put into a steam chamber where the silver skin is removed from the bean. After this, the beans are submerged in spring water and as soon the coffee is saturated with water it is sent to the extractors where the beans have direct contact with sugar cane ethyl acetate for 8 hours which dissolves the caffeine content. Then the decaffeinated coffee is dried in a chamber to reach the same moisture content that it had before the process.

The ethyl acetate can be re-used several times before it is sent on for refinement and the caffeine is then dried and sold to other industries such as pharmaceuticals and energy drinks manufacturers!