Ask the Roaster - Ted from Cartwheel
How was the Roastery founded, what was the inspiration?
The roastery was started in 2016 to coincide with the opening of Cartwheel’s first café; the owner Alex would roast in the back of the shop after hours. Initially it was setup up to roast coffee for the café, but as the business expanded, the roastery was moved to a bigger space. I started working for the company in 2018, originally in the café, before moving over to the roasting side of things in 2019.
What's your favourite part about working at the Roastery?
I think my favourite part is sourcing new coffees. It’s always exciting cupping a table of coffees you’ve never had, finding which coffees would work for you, planning how they can be roasted and brewed for customers.
What's your proudest accomplishment?
For me, it would be passing my Q-grader certification. It was one of the most intense weeks of my life. But I learnt an incredible amount and it taught me to look at the coffee I roast in different ways.
What three words best describe your Roastery?
Balance - Consistency - Focused.
What’s your favourite place to enjoy a coffee, and what coffee would that be?
The roastery in Spring. Our unit is on the second floor of an old warehouse building, so at that time of the year the sun is coming up around the time of the first coffee of the day. The light bounces in, reflecting off the espresso machine and the steam of the coffee which makes for a great start to the day. I would usually be drinking a lungo of something washed from South or Central America.
What’s is your favourite snack or treat to have to accompany your coffee?
A big hunk of Panettone.
What would you drink if there was no coffee?
If there was no coffee in the world, I would start the day with a builder’s tea. But probably move onto Caipirinha’s later in the day.
What is your favourite tasting notes to find in coffee?
Florals. It’s a part of the flavour wheel I never used to appreciate, but over time, I’ve grown to really enjoy floral notes and it’s something I look for more and more in the coffees I buy.
Where would you recommend for food and drink in your local area?
Tough Mary’s Bakehouse for lunch and pastries, Effy or Okende for coffee, Mesa or Every Day People for dinner, Cottonmouth or Liquid Light Taproom for drinks.
Finally, what Dog & Hat combination would you choose?
A Golden Retriever in a propeller hat.