Dak Coffee Roasters on UK Best Coffee Subscription

How was the Roastery founded, what was the inspiration?

Dak Coffee Roasters was founded by both of us, Veronique and Louis. We used to travel all around Europe, strictly to visit cafés and roasters. Over a period of a few years, we developed a real passion for the diversity in specialty coffee. That passion and interest became so overwhelming that we could not keep our regular jobs, we simply had to do something in coffee. We wanted Dak to be a reflection of our journey into specialty coffee: constant learning and discovery.

What's your favourite part about working at the Roastery?

Cupping and selecting new coffees is definitely the best part. As many roasters do, we follow harvest seasons in producing countries and source our coffees months before they actually arrive in the roastery. The expectation that builds up between the moment we select the coffees and the moment we can start selling them make that first cup extra exciting.

What three words best describe your Roastery?
Fun - Discovery - Collaboration
    What’s your favourite place to enjoy a coffee, and what coffee would that be?

    I like to brew a coffee and lie on the couch with a book, some headphones and just chill. We have recently released a special coffee to celebrate our 2-year anniversary; it is a thermic shock Colombian with notes of Pistachio, Cardamom, Vanilla Cake, perfect afternoon coffee.

    What is your favourite snack or treat to have to accompany your coffee?

    You can never go wrong with a good cinnamon roll + coffee.

    What would you drink if there was no coffee?

    That’s a hard one…Veronique would take a matcha and I would stick to my sparkling water (I’m slightly obsessed with the soda stream.

    What is your favourite tasting notes to find in coffee?

    Louis: I am a sucker for intense citrus notes, so lemon, lime, bergamot, etc. Veronique: I have always been a fan of fuzzy peach candy, so a good peach flavour note always has my attention.

    Where would you recommend for food and drink in your local area?

    De Kas, a greenhouse in a park in southeast Amsterdam. They grow their own vegetables and offer a menu that is almost purely vegetarian. A bit on the more expensive side, but really worth it! NNea, best pizza in Amsterdam. I would say the pizza is as good as what you would find in Napoli.

    Finally, what Dog & Hat combination would you choose?

    We are both Canadians, so definitely a French Bulldog in an ice hockey helmet XD.