We at Drop Coffee are dedicated to really tasty and sustainably produced coffee, we visit all  producers we buy coffee from. We are roasting the coffee carefully with complete focus on the sweetness and vibrancy of each unique coffee, always striving for a clarity in the coffee, without ashy roast flavours.
We are shipping coffee straight from our roastery every day, worldwide!

Drop Coffee was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2009 as a coffee bar by Mariatorget, focusing on serving tasty coffee. We started roasting our own coffee in the back of the shop in 2010, on a one-kilo roaster. We started roasting for wholesale customers in 2012, when we moved into a proper roastery with a 25-kilo roaster. Recently we moved our roastery to Rosersberg, north of Stockholm. From June 2018 our roastery is certified organic. Kalita has been supplying us with our favorite brewing supplies since 2013, when Drop Coffee became the Kalita supplier of Sweden.

Joanna Alm, managing director of Drop Coffee, is a three times Swedish Coffee Roasting Champion who has placed second in the world, and she is also the author of the book  Manifest För Bättre Kaffe.

Ask the Roaster - Laura, Lisa & Erik

What's your favourite part of working at the Roastery?

March/April 2021. My favorite part of the job is having a project, much like this one. One large order of subscriptions or something similar for a customer, causing us to set a plan in place and get organised. Another fine example would be the Christmas advent calendars we completed in November 2021, which took a lot of time and effort, filling 9000 odd tiny packs of coffee beans. We love a project.

What's your proudest accomplishment?

On behalf of the company, I would say when we represented Sweden in the world Coffee Championships 4 times!

What three words that best describe your Roastery?

Erik will go with word 1) Comradely - Referring to the friendly, open and family feel we have here.
Lisa, our Ops manager has word 2) DISCO - Referring to the strange yet enticing music played each day… one can only imagine.
I will take number 3) Brown - Boxes, more boxes, pallets, table tops, more pallets, jute sacks of coffee everywhere, more boxes. It’s beautiful of course.

What your favourite place to enjoy a coffee, and what coffee would that be?

In nature for sure I would be more inclined to enjoy brewing as well as drinking my coffee. We have some beautiful nature in Stockholm, and I am an avid hiker. Most recently I enjoyed our Natural Catimor, from El Salvador while outdoors!

What roaster do you roast on?

We use a Diedrich IR25,Turquoise

What is your favourite snack or treat to have to accompany your coffee?

It is tradition in Sweden to take time from your day and enjoy a sweet treat with your coffee, we call this Fika. It would only be right to pair the classic Kanelbullar/cinnamon buns.

What would you drink if there was no coffee?

Is Cascara an option..? I am keen on a decent loose tea, green or black preferably. No milk, no sugar.

What is your favourite tasting notes to find in coffee?

I find I drift towards the blueberry notes. Otherwise I like the booziness you can get from naturals, mature, dried fruits also.

Where would you recommend for food and drink in your local area?

It would be rude not to mention our own cafe of course, Drop Coffee which is located within the busy yet relaxed island of Södermalm, Stockholm. Perfect for that fika previously mentioned. We actually have a great British run gastro pub and restaurant called ‘The Old Brewer’ in the city which is a personal favorite, specializing in the perfect combination of British food & drink meets Swedish.

Finally… what Dog & Hat combination would you choose?

Dog & Hat combination…. Great question. Lisa has chosen a bulldog in a beret but I have to go with the Landseer/Newfoundlands in a classically floppy chef's hat.

Drop Coffee Roasters Sweden on UK Best Coffee Subscription