Kit Roaster at Lost Horizon Coffee in Bristol on UKs Best Coffee Susbcription
How was the Roastery founded, what was the inspiration?

A hobby roasting in a wok at home got really out of hand… Specialty coffee has been a slippery slope for me, with some persuasion from my friends, of course. I enjoy being well caffeinated and coming from an engineering background I really love playing with machinery, analysing data and experimenting iteratively, whilst striving for perfection.

A deep connection with nature and a love of cycling were the main drivers for offsetting our carbon footprint twice over by planting trees and doing all local deliveries by pedal power.

What's your favourite part about working at the Roastery?

Aside from drinking all the coffees we roast, it’ll be the meditative space of focus I find when roasting or packing for long hours. There is a particular pleasure in putting love and care into making each bag and handwriting the addresses to then personally deliver them to all the great people of Bristol.

What's your proudest accomplishment?

Whilst out on my delivery round last week, I got 2nd fastest through Ikea carpark on Strava. It was pretty empty.

In all seriousness though, after taking a massive leap of faith to set this project up, the first online order from someone I didn’t already know was a big moment.

What three words best describe your Roastery?

Nano - Aladdin’s - Cave

What’s your favourite place to enjoy a coffee, and what coffee would that be?

I like to take brewing equipment round to other people’s houses and make coffee for them. Most likely it’ll be something light in a big Chemex. For instance, going home to see family, I’ll be forever making different coffees and getting everyone to try them. No one sleeps. 

Finally, what Dog & Hat combination would you choose?

Vizsla in an Ushanka.