Ask the Roaster
Click the link to hear more from Head Roaster Simon and find out more about the Climpson and Sons coffee philosophy and journey.
Climpson & Sons are pioneers in the evolving London specialty coffee scene. Our ambition is to continue sourcing, roasting and crafting the finest coffees from the heart of East London. Our range of espressos, blends and single origin beans reflect what we do: a boundless exploration into the possibilities of flavour.
We take our work pretty seriously; with an ever expanding range of brew methods out there, we are constantly searching for the best flavour profiles and extraction technique to understand how our roasts react in coffee-making equipment. Our sourcing philosophy is primarily directed at flavour and quality. Alongside which our ethos towards sustainability and ethical sourcing protocols ensure the coffees we roast and sell have not only have character but a transparent story. We reward quality by paying a higher price to the producer with the mindset of forming relationships year after year.
Our approach to sourcing green coffee is equally driven by quality and a commitment to developing sustainable and ethical relationships. We work with trusted partners at origin to ensure producers receive fair prices and seek to develop ongoing relationships in buying from many of the same farms each year.
We evaluate all potential coffees through a blind cupping process and only select those we find truly exciting. Our ever-changing single origin range represents the most unique flavour aspects of each coffee producing region in an effort to highlight the tireless effort involved at farming, processing and export levels. With differing producing nations often picking and exporting at different periods throughout the year we are fortunate to focus on only working with fresh crop coffee.
Dog and Hat
As you may imagine, we often get coffee roasters recommended to us... andf occasionally someone recommends a roaster that we've had on our list but forgotten to get in touch with. That's exactly what happened with Climpson and Sons, who have been instrumental in the growth of the UK speciality coffee scene for many years. We dropped them a line, and as it turns out we had been recommended to them as well - so we met up at the Glasgow Coffee Festival where they were hosting a cupping session and we went from there.