

Peru Naranjuyacu Community – Cultivar – Keen Coffee


Caturra(red and yellow), Pache, Catimor, Typica, Bourbon




1700-1900 Masl

Roast Profile


Flavour Notes

Notes of Dark Chocolate, Blood Orange, Caramel, White grape, brown sugar 

Coffee Facts

‘Naranjo’ hails from a region in north Peru: Cutervo. After a horror-story for most of Peru’s coffee farms back in 2013/ 2016, the government Helped all farmers to get back up their feet and supplied different varieties to coffee farmers such as Catimor, Typica and Caturra. It changed their perspective on how to approach coffee farming and they are doing a better job than ever. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Despite the increase in coffee farming many of the practices were in harmony with the environment, looking after the forests and avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides. (therefore, this coffee is 100% organic).

The specific lot comes from Naranjuyacu, a village in Santo Domingo de la Capilla district. Sometimes it is also written as Naranjo Yacu, which means “orange water”. “Yaku” means water in Quechua, Naranjo is Spanish for orange. So the name basically is a fusion of languages.

To our trader Cultivar, this farm checks all boxes they find essential to the Specialty coffee industry: great varieties, fertile soils, respect and understanding of the environment and enthusiastic farmers who are passionate about their work. We’re proud to contribute a little part to Peru’s specialty coffee revolution. In terms of flavour, we’re after something sweet, comfortable, and fruity, surpassing Intimpa’s profile. We hope to visit Peru this year to meet the people behind this coffee and establish a lasting partnership.