Doe & Fawn - Mohammed Aba - Ethiopia




JARC 74110




2000-2100 masl

Roast Profile


Taste Notes


Coffee Facts

We have been impressed by Mohammed Aba Nura's Coffee over the past four harvest seasons. Apart from the Tokuma group which long-time Osito producing partner Mensur Abahike belongs to, we have had the opportunity to taste lots from Mohammed for quite some time but did not yet have the purchasing power to invest meaningfully into single producers in the west of Ethiopia, other than Mensur.

With the increased demand the last year has brought Osito, we have been so pleased to funnel that demand into the Tokuma group, thus pursuing our ideal of going deeper into current producing partners, rather than wider.

Mohammed's 35.7 hectares farm is located in the Omafuntlay Kebele of Jimma. His coffees co,e from a staggering 2000-2100 masl and are dried on raised beds for roughly 20 days. We are so pleased with Mohammed and his tropical tasting naturally processed Coffee's.