Ask the Indie
Click here to read more about Joe and how he got into creating these amazing, custom, one-of-a-kind, hand-made beauties.
At home in his workshop, Joe produces some of the most amazing custom tamper and portafilter handles you will ever see.
Joe recycles discarded skateboard decks into something both beautiful and functional, giving them the chance to bring joy once again... but with slightly less chance of hurting yourself when using them :-)
Dog and Hat
As active Coffee Forums UK members, we couldn't help but notice the amazing pieces that Joe was making for the forums members.
Then, a chance encounter with a forum member that was moving away from espresso offered us the opportunity to own our very own Skate Reclaim Create portafilter handle. It still has pride of place at Dog & Hat HQ and we want to be able to bring Joe's craftsmanship to the attention of as many people as we can.