Tim Wendelboe - Caballero - Honduras (ESPRESSO)









Various masl

Roast Profile


Taste Notes

Notes of Milk chocolate, Florals & Tart red fruits

Coffee Facts

Batian is actually a Kenyan hybrid cultivar but this particular coffee was grown in Honduras by our friends Marysabel Caballero and Moises Herrera. Some years ago they planted a small amount of these trees and we are fortunate to be able to buy the majority of their production of this cultivar.

This is the sixth year we are able to offer this coffee and I am happy to say that we were able to buy a bigger quantity than previous years. In fact Moises and Marysabel are so happy with the Batian, both with yield and quality, that they have decided to plant more of it.

This year the Batian tastes slightly more pronounced than it has in previous years showing notes of violets & florals with tart berry notes and a sweet milk chocolate like finish.